More life drawing from this Thursday. In my opinion, it didn't turn out as good as it was last week, but there were still a couple of ones I really enjoyed. The last one required major alterations to the face--after I drew it I realized it looked creepily like a naked me. So now it looks like Michelle and I had some sort of bizzare lovechild that posed naked for me.
Also, while not neccessarily lifedrawing, I drew it at life drawing. From a comic I plan on working on full-steam once school is no longer insane. ): Regardless I think I can safely say it sums up my feelings about portfolio class, except I don't think you can quite include "doubting yourself" in a picture like that. Maybe he's bleeding doubt.
I am really digging your figure drawings Emily. I'm a fan. and I am sad I missed it tonight. Oh well's. :D
I am SO glad that your comic drawing is how you feel about the projects class though, cuz that's EXACTLY how I am feeling about it lately too.
D: Well, it's all good! Lol, hopefully next week'll be better. :) If you want I can try to remind you or something.
Yeah. Yeah. Every time I come from projects class, I feel this well of failure from inside of me. I get -so- many mixed messages from that class that by the end of it all I'm panicking and confused.
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